Jumat, 23 Desember 2011


The cat’s family live under the car. I don’t know exactly where they sleep. I found them in the hospital porch, near parked car. I think they consist of father, mother, and two children. Their color are blonde and white.
I saw the kids play between the car. I don’t know wether they girl or boy. Hmm.. what are they played? They play with the wheel, bite machine of motorcycle, and their mother’s tail. Sometimes mother play with the kids. Father like usual, feel safe at his place, he did’t move at all. Even if the kids were so funny. The kids run, sometimes try to stand and maybe talking.
Life can be so fun for people who choose to be fun. Life can be so boring for people who choose to not do anything. Why life can be so fun? Animal like cats feel life is fun because they make everything can be played. Wheel which is not good at all, machine which smell’s not good. We won’t feel life is fun when we waiting for perfection. The cats never feel fun if they wait the wheel of the car soft and full of fur, or if they wait the machine smell like fish, or if their mother’s tail change into wool. Just like our life, thinking and waiting too much never make our life better and funnier. I wanna be kids again who always choose to make life fun and full of experience.    

Jumat, 16 Desember 2011


Penyakit manusia yang membuat dunia sendiri dalam kepalanya, mencintakan masalahmasalahnya sendiri, terpuruk di dalamnya, lalu menyelesaikan masalah-masalahku, sambil tertawa-tawa, juga sendirian -Andrea Hirata-

Human makes their own life in their head, create their problems, falling down in their problems, then solve the problems, laughing and alone.

I really like that illness, mental illness number 16. As a real situation it’s perfect. It happen to every people consciously or no. Let me be the model. I make my own life in my head. There’s my real life with my family and friends. But that life isn’t made by me. It’s made by my family, my friends, unknown people, and me. I can’t make my own decision without influence others. So, my own life that made by me is only in my head. I’m free in my head, I won’t get hurt, I can create my dream, I can create my story, added with problems as a seasoning but there always problem solving. I’m falling down in my problems, sometimes smile, excited, thinking, even crying. Its weird, I like crazy people, doing everything by myself. I love to be me, I can create my face, I can create my boyfriend, I can create my career. God is fair. There’s real life that can’t be controlled and there’s unreal life that can be controlled and it’s only in my head and alone. 

Senin, 12 Desember 2011


Passionately Curious, where is the direction?

Deni Sugandi - Pinhole Photographer
The most priceless camera is made by yourself. Pinhole camera looks like a gift. You don’t know what is in the box. I’ve taken a photo from my tin can camera before and absolutely surprising. Using this camera just like your life. You don’t know what will happen next but there will always be strategy to make it better. First, you make the camera, it means you make the plan of your life. Second, you take the picture, it means you start your life. Third, you print the photo and surprise!!! You get what you never imagine. Sometimes the photo bad or it can be so good, amazing. From bad photo you can get new experience, what will you do next to get better even amazing photo. I’m sure you will have willingness to try again, to begin new experience. Just like your life, just learn from your failure. And there will always be surprise.
So, I have my own quote: The most priceless life is made by yourself.

Suyanto - Artificial Intellegence Expert
Students have a simple wish to the lecture, they want to be supported not pressured.
ICT is not my field, but I love education. And I respect to all people who love education too. I never know Mr. Suyanto before but I’m sure there always hero for students and he is the hero for ICT students. He choose to be involved in education than working for money at great company. When he was a student, he thought that he took wrong field, ICT. Maybe, that is happen to us, the students. Much questions, am I love my field? Is my parents like what I’ve choosen? Can I be success in my future? Who am I? That questions will happen again and again till we find our passion. There will a proccess till we reach that point, just enjoy it. 

Speechless seeing this team, look what they’ve done. ICT is not an interesting field for me but when see dream bender, I just wanna say ICT is great. They passionately find their passion. They teach us to be sensitive from problem around us. Helping deaf persons is their purpose first but they really help with easy way. It’s easy and interesting. And last, hmm.. Im speechless.............................................................. ......................................................................................................................................................................    

Anantya van Brockhorst - Girl In Tech Indonesia
She is a simple girl and kind girl. She has passion in ICT (again) but she just a girl. Previously, it weird, a girl who love sit infront of computer, hours, forget to eat or take a bath. Now, it is usual, find a girl in digital world. Digital world is her passion and she told us how to find it. First is find person who you really admire. Second is find person to share. Third is have a big curiosity. Fourth is share interest to closest person. I’ve done your secret and the result is day after day I’m passionate to learn new things.

Aghnie Hasya Rief - Young Change Maker
Hearing what she’s done is make me shy. What I’ve done at junior and senior high school? Ask money from my parents? Absolutely. She think not only to earn money for herself but also earn money to give her friends book. Her idea is simple but relly hard for people who is not passionate about it, a garage sale. She is also think about women in her environment. How to make their productive, to earn money by themselves., not an ordinary house wife who just make gossips . One thing that I’ve learned from her, maturity of people can’t be measured by their age.      

Mesty Ariotedjo - Full Time Medical Student, Part Time Musician And Model
She is really an amazing girl, who have big curiousity, much passion and she did all what she love. When I know what she has done, I think maybe she have 50 hours a day. But not, she just like us, having 24 hours a day. Many people have reason that they don’t have enough time to do something, so the question is, why some people can’t and the others can? Maybe, to answer the question we can take the mirror and ask. When it can be answered by the person in the mirror so the person who stand out of the mirror can do too. Desirability to make ourself better.  

Ginan Koesmayadi - Social Activist
He is a social activist who not showing sadness or hopeless from the world he involved. He make everybody smile and laugh and smile and lots of laugh again. He is simple, want to help everyone, and smile and laugh. He is an educator but not in formal institution or in class. He educate in social interaction between HIV persons and society, so there is no discrimination anymore. His passion is football. So interesting, listen what he has planned to make change through football, a simple thing. He makes eveybody smile and laugh, he don’t know what he have to talk about, he think 18 minutes is long time to speak. If you remeber him, you just want to smile and laugh.